Are you sick of paragraphs upon paragraphs of card descriptions? Tired of weeding through five drastically different interpretations, just to get a simple meaning you can use? Good news! A Closer Look gives you a list of relatively simple, cohesive key words for each card. Pick the top one or two words that are easiest for you to memorize. Make it easy for yourself!
Are you ready for a more nuanced look at the cards? Are you eager to learn about other people's impressions, or the significance of specific imagery? A Closer Look also includes a couple paragraphs on my interpretations of the card, including how the meanings can shift during a reading. Embrace the complexity!
Cards that I have posted about already are listed below. Watch for "A Closer Look" posts on the front page, or check the archives.
A Closer Look at...
0. The Fool
8. Strength
13. Death
17. The Star
Two of Cups
Seven of Cups
Ten of Cups
Queen of Pentacles
Four of Swords
Eight of Swords
Queen of Swords
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